E-commerce is the application of information technology and communication technology to three basic activities related to commercial business, the three basic activities are as follows:
Production And Support
Production and support- which includes assisting production, distribution, and maintenance of goods and services.
Transaction Preparation
which includes getting product information into the market-place and bringing buyers and sellers into contract with each other
Transaction Completion
which includes concluding transactions, transferring payments, and securing financial services.
E-Commerce, also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, is an activity of buying and selling goods or services over the internet or open networks. So, any kind of transaction (whether money, funds, or data) is considered as E-commerce. So, E-commerce can be defined in many ways, some define E-Commerce as buying and selling goods and services over the Internet, others define E-Commerce as retail sales to consumers for which the transaction takes place on open networks. The buying and selling of products, services, and digital products through the Internet all fall under the umbrella of e-commerce.